Children’s Ministries


Awana takes fun “seriously”. Our club meetings are so exciting that kids can’t wait to come back for more! But fun is only the start! While kids are having a blast, they’re learning and growing, too. They participate in games and activities that train their bodies. They learn verses and spiritual truths that expand their minds. They encounter life lessons that feed their souls from caring, trained leaders investing time, love, and wisdom into shaping children’s lives.

Awana 2020-2021 Documents

Sunday School

Sunday Morning | 9:45am
We have various classes available for all ages including a nursery service provided for newborns and babies.

Children’s Church

Sunday Morning | 11:30am
Children who don’t want to sit with the adults during the morning service can attend Children’s Church in classroom off the gym. A kid-friendly lesson is delivered by volunteer instructors throughout the year.

If you would like to sign up to be a volunteer, contact us by clicking here.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Monday – Thursday | One week during summer
Every year in the summer, Cornerstone hosts a Vacation Bible School. During this time, kids can expect to learn about Jesus and other Bible characters, play games, eat snacks, make crafts, and more! Themes range from ocean and sea creatures to airplanes and clouds! You won’t want to miss this super fun ministry.

If you would like to sign up to be a helper this summer, contact us by clicking here.

Teen Ministries

Youth Alive

This ministry is for all teens from 7th – 12th grade.

“In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but ALIVE to God in Christ Jesus.” -Romans 6:11

Adult Ministries

Prayer & Bible Study

Previously called Prayer Meeting, our Prayer and Bible study class is exactly what it sounds like. Every Wednesday at 7pm, Pastor Jim Howard leads the congregation in group prayer and a small, discussion-oriented, message.


Too old for Youth Alive, but not quite old enough for Caleb’s Kin? InBetweeners is the perfect group for you. We organize events for adults and families throughout the year. Keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming events!

Senior Ministries

Caleb’s Kin

Caleb’s Kin meets monthly on a Tuesday at Cornerstone and sometimes other locations for food, fun, and fellowship. Contact Thelma Bellows for more information and our calendar for details on upcoming events.